I snatched this from The Crabbs' blog. Cut and paste this onto your own email or blog to share with friends and see how others celebrate!
1. Where will you spend Christmas this year?
Eupora and Tupelo (and a lot of time on the Natchez Trace)
2. What is Santa (hopefully) bringing you? What is he bringing your spouse and kids?
me - a new cell phone; Curtis - can't say (in case he reads this); JC - a bike, movies anda few toys
3. How do you celebrate Christmas Eve?
During the day we usually do Christmas with Curtis' family and then try to see our friends Teresa and Jonathan and other scattered family members. That evening we we go to a Communion as a family with my parents and my brother's family and then we go back to Mom and Dad's to do our gifts to all of them! Then, it's a late drive back to Tupelo, putting out cookies and milk for Santa and getting into bed.
4. What Christmas activities are you looking forward to this year?
A Girl Scout Christmas event at camp, the Reed's Christmas Parade downtown, Christmas morning, singing Christmas hymns at Church.
5. What is your typical Christmas Day dinner?
Ham, dressing, cranberry sauce, hash brown casserole, ambrosia salad, lots of yummy desserts.
6. What is your typical Christmas Eve meal?
Hmmm... It varies. Sometimes we grill steaks, sometimes it is sandwiches and finger foods. Not sure what we will be doing this year.
7. Is your Santa Claus wrapped or unwrapped?
As a kid it was always unwrapped. For JC it is about half and half. The big items are unwrapped so they are the first thing he sees. Some of the smaller things are wrapped though.
8. How do you decorate for Christmas?
Our tree is huge with a wide variety of ornaments. Everything from homemade childhood crafty ones to Christopher Radko ornaments. We always did white lights until two years ago, and I LOVE the look of the colored lights we use now!!!
9. Fake tree or live tree?
10. White lights or colored lights?
11. Favorite Christmas song?
Hymns - "Away in a Manger" and "O Holy Night"
Contemporary - "All I Want for Christmas is You" and "Jingle Bell Rock"
12. Favorite Christmas memory?
Christmas Eve spent with
all of my dad's family together in my grandparents' small living room.
13. Do you love Christmas or just pretend to?
WHAT???? Who pretends to love Christmas. I LOVE IT!!!
14. Egg nog or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate
15. Colored lights or white?
Again, really? Colored
16. What kind of cookies do you leave Santa?
If we made any cookies we leave those, but usually it is OREOS. He likes those best!!!
17. Favorite Christmas gift of all time?
Oh, that is a hard one... One that sticks out to me is the bright red Barbie convertible
18. What tops your tree?
An angel dressed in silver
19. Favorite Christmas movie?
Home Alone, The Santa Clause, Elf, A Christmas Story - We LOVE them all!!!
20. Favorite ornament?
The Radko Braveheart that memorializes 9/11
21. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Most of our gifts except for Santa and the ones to Curtis and I from each other are done on Christmas Eve.
22. Worst Christmas gift ever received?
There was one a couple of years ago that I won't mention...
23. Are you still buying presents on Christmas Eve?
No, but I cannot say the same for my husband...
24. Most annoying thing about the Christmas season?
The stress of having so many divided sets of family to get around to see. I love seeing them all, but it makes it stressful that it has to be split up so many ways...
25. Favorite thing about the Christmas season?
Christmas morning with my two best guys and seeing the joy of Christmas on my baby's face!