Friday, January 16, 2009

JC's 4th Birthday Party

We had JC's party at the fire station this year. It was the greatest party we have had. The firemen were so nice, and all of the children were mesmerized by the trucks! Props go to Curtis for calling this station and getting this all set up!!! Thanks Tupelo Fire Dept. for a GREAT party!We will never forget this birthday!
The kids all sat so quitely and attentively listening to the firemen talk about fire safety.

Then he put on all of his gear and had all of the kids come up and shake his hand so they would never be scared if a fireman came into their room to rescue them.
JC got a huge fire truck for Christmas from Uncle Chris and Aunt LeAnn. It made a great centerpeice. I made the fire truck birthday cake!

Cullen Harrison and JC.

The cousins at the party - Cullen and Ella Clare Harrison, Sarah Beth Johnson and JC.

My little fireman!


Anonymous said...

This is the best birthday party ever!

Colby and Daniel said...

What a fun idea!